Birth & Postnatal Doula:

Mobile: 07734109329 - Email :

Hospitals Covered: Kingston, St Georges, Chelsea & Westminster, Epsom & St Helier, Croydon University.

Postcodes Covered: SW16, SW17, SW18, SW19, SW20, KT2, SM5, CR4, CR7

Licensed with:

Birth Doula:

Worcester University trained, and NCT Licensed Birth Doula.

Standard Package Price = £850 *

*Plus any other ad-hock hrs @ £35 per hour.

Click image for more info of what is covered under the Doula Services.

What can I do for you:

(i) Providing Evidenced Based information unique to your situation. So you may be able to use this, to help in your decision making for pregnancy and birth.

(ii) Provide practical, emotional support strategies for you and your birth partner to practice during pregnancy, so that they become second nature to lean on and use these tools during the Birth.

(iii) Meet Regularly to get to know each other. Where we can prepare plans for the birth, and for the postnatal term afterwards. Fill in any gaps of your knowledge about your antenatal care, the birth, the NHS maternity service, and the postnatal period. The three meetings will be approximately 1 or 2 hrs each - 2 before birth - 1 after birth.

(iv) Be with you during active labour and the birth. Providing continuity of care for you both. Providing practical, emotional and informational support during the birth.


* All Hospital Births * Cesarean Births

* Homebirths * Biomechanics For Birth

* Aromatherapy & Massage For Birth

* Rebozo


* Emotional wellbeing support for Mum & Baby

* Baby Feeding Support

* Basic Newborn - care, bathing, settling

* Sibling Support

* BASIS Sleep Courses attended (i) SIDs & Safe Sleep. (ii) Normal Infant Sleep Advanced.

* DBS checked * Liability Insurance

Postnatal Doula:

Trained by Younique. Also a member of Doula UK.

Standard Package Price = £720 - for 24 hours *

*Plus any ad-hock hrs @ £35 per hour.

The 24 hours package to be used as and when required (dates times prearranged between us). When these hours are used up, you can purchase another block, or use the ad-hock hours rate.

Click above image for more info of Postnatal Doula Services.

What can I do for you:

 (i) Provide flexible, practical, and emotional support for you after the birth. I am happy to do anything that helps aid the smooth running of the household. DO the dishes, fill the washing machine, hold the baby, so you can sleep, feed, shower, or simply take a break, and I’m a passable cook.

(ii) I will inform you of times I am unavailable. 

(iii) A back-up Doula will be provided whenever possible if required, or alternative arrangements made with you

As new parents, the transition to parenthood can be overwhelming at times, during those sleep deprived first few months. I can support and help you navigate this time: by holding baby so you can sleep, shower, eat, helping with your first trip outside with the newborn, to cooking a meal, loading the washing machine etc - more detailed information under Postnatal doula tab.

Baby Massage Teacher:

International Association of Infant Massage trained, and Licensed (CIMI).

What can I do for you:

(A) FULL COURSE: In Person -once a week over 4 weeks - (£60) : available at:

(i) All Saints Church, Tooting, & (ii) Holy Redeemer Church, Streatham

(B) Small Groups - @ Your Location: min 3+ people - Where one of you hosts at your home.

(i) Full course - £60 each family. Course runs once a week, over 4 weeks. . Day/time to be negotiated between us.

(ii) Individual routines - (a) Colic Or (b) Gentle Stretch Routine. Either session - £12 each person.

(C) ONLINE on Zoom options

(i) Full Course one day a week over 4 weeks - £50.

(ii) Individual Massage Routines

(a) Colic Routine Or (b) Gentle Stretch Routine. Either session - £12.

Click for more info and how to book, on what course options are available.

As an baby massage instructor, my training courses are designed to provide parents and carers with the knowledge and ability to safely and effectively massage their babies. Massage is a loving skill, that provides, comfort and bonding.

My courses are for any one with a baby, parents and grand parents, and babies within a variety of individual and group settings.

Birth Postnatal Doula - Baby Massage Instructor